School Policies
Campos Policies
Juan Morel Campos Discipline Code
General Expectations:
Students are expected to be courteous and respectful to the staff and to each other. It is essential for all students to be prepared for classes with notebooks, pens, and other materials requested by teachers.
Students are not permitted to:
Bring weapons to school.
Threaten or otherwise endanger the safety of others.
Sell, distribute, or use illegal drugs and/or controlled substances.
Engage in scholastic dishonesty.
Bring visitors into the school area.
Use abusive language or engage in verbal, physical, or sexual harassment of others.
Remain in the school building after classes unless under direct supervision of a staff member.
Smoke or drink alcohol in the building or on the grounds contiguous to the school.
Play with playing cards in school.
Play games of chance on school property.
Loiter in exits, stairwells or halls.
Use headphones.
Wear Clothing with inappropriate messages.
Dress Code:
Students should dress in a way that contributes to the health and safety of the individual, promotes a positive educational environment, and encourages good school spirit. Student dress should be non-disruptive of the educational activities and processes of the school. If a student is reported for not dressing properly, he/she will be asked to change into appropriate clothing.
Additionally neither hats nor hoods are permitted to be worn in school, including in hallways and classrooms.
Use of Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices
Cell phone use is permitted only at designated times and areas in the school. Cell phones are otherwise not to be on, shown, or used in the school.
Cell phones must not be on, shown, or used in the halls.
Students will keep cell phones turned off and out of sight in the classroom.
Students may use cell phones in any office with the authorization of a staff member or in the student cafeteria during their lunch.
Students are never allowed to use cell phones or electronic devices in locker rooms or bathrooms.
Cell phones and electronic devices may never be turned on or used during the administration of any school quiz, test or examination.
Students may not record, tape, film or photograph anywhere in the building using cell phones or other electronic devices unless the individual being recorded has consented and no teacher or administrator prohibits such action.
Use of cell phones or electronic devices for bullying, harassment or academic dishonesty (including cheating, plagiarism or unauthorized collaboration) may result in disciplinary action as specified by the school's Academic Honesty Policy and the New York City Department of Education Discipline Code.
Cell phones and electronic devices used in violation of these policies will be confiscated. For first offenses, confiscated devices will be returned to students at the end of the day. For second and repeated offenses, a parent or guardian must come to school to retrieve confiscated devices.
Students may not recharge cell phones anywhere in the school.
Students are responsible for maintaining the safety and security of their electronic devices while at school.
Students are responsible for maintaining the safety and security of their electronic devices while at school.
Bullying is an intentional and repeated written, verbal or physical act that causes mental or physical harm to another person. No students are allowed to engage in bullying.
Elevator Policy:
Students are not permitted to ride the elevator unless they have a valid elevator pass issued by the school.
The School Day:
Students are required to arrive at school each day by 8:20 a.m.; students who arrive after this time are late and must sign in. Families of students who are chronically late will be contacted and lateness may result in disciplinary action.Classes missed due to lateness will be considered “cuts”.
The school day is 8:20 a.m. – 2:40 p.m. Mondays and 8:20 a.m. – 3:55 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays. All students are required to be programmed and attend classes during these hours. There are no exceptions.
Students are not permitted to leave the building during school hours unless under the supervision of a teacher. Exiting the school building without permission will result in disciplinary action.
Seniors who have successfully completed regents exams, are on track to graduate and have exemplary attendance (90% or higher) will be programmed for a separate lunch period and with permission from the principal, may leave the school building for lunch. Failure to maintain grades, daily attendance and/or period attendance will result in revocation of “out for lunch” privileges.
Program Cards and School ID:
Students are required to carry both a class program card and school id at all times and present them, if asked, to a teacher, school aide, Dean, Assistant Principal, Principal or other school personnel. Failure or refusal to do so will result in disciplinary action.
Students who engage in misconduct may be subject to disciplinary action. Additionally, privileges, such as school trips, out to lunch, participation in after-school activities, school prom, graduation, and participation in PSAL events, maybe revoked. For a comprehensive listing of all school rules please see The New York City Department of Education Citywide Standards of Discipline and Intervention, available at school or at
Possible Disciplinary Actions (partial list):
Peer mediation
Parent outreach
Inability to participate in sports programs
Inability to participate in school events such as field trips, dances and other events.
Removal from a Classroom by a Teacher